> On May 12, 2016, at 2:21 PM, Gary E. Miller <g...@rellim.com> wrote:
> No good on the RasPi2:
> root@pi2:~# ethtool -c eth0
> Coalesce parameters for eth0:
> Cannot get device coalesce settings: Operation not supported
> root@pi2:~# 
> The problem on the RasPi2 is the ethernet is a USB2 device.

Yep - to be expected on the Pi’s. The Ethernet on the Pi’s is pretty basic.  
Some USB -> Ethernet adaptors do support fancy features (like Hal was talking 

`ethtool` can be used to see what an Ethernet adapter supports.

I think Hal was wanting to test the difference on a fancy Gb adapter that had 
those features, to see if disabling them improved NTP performance.
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