> On May 12, 2016, at 4:31 AM, Hal Murray <hmur...@megapathdsl.net> wrote:
> g...@rellim.com said:
>> Easy to use, but in practice I have not found the RasPi ethernet to perform
>> any worse than a GigE port on a motherboard. 
> Most of the GigE chips have the option to batch interrupts.  That's good for 
> throughput since it reduces the CPU load due to interrupts but bad for things 
> like NTP since it adds latency and probably jitter.
> I don't have any numbers handy.  It would be interesting to run a few 
> experiments.
> Does anybody have the recipe handy for disabling that?

`ethtool` is what you are looking for.  There are multiple options that might 
have the effect you mention above.

`ethtool -c eth0` will show you how the device is currently configured. 

`ethtool -C eth0` allows you to change the settings.

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