> On May 10, 2016, at 6:22 PM, Hal Murray <hmur...@megapathdsl.net> wrote: > > > e...@thyrsus.com said: >>> This seems like a good opportunity for an experiment. What do you have in >>> the way of a place to stand while can monitor other NTP servers? >> The Pi might be it. I have it set up to monitor four pool servers with >> noselect. I get output like this: > > Begin rant... > > If you are going to be playing this game, you need a few toys. The primary > one is a PC with a real serial port and a good GPS receiver.
Eric - if you are serious about this testing, ping me directly and I’ll go through some of my old hardware. I should have some fan-less systems (except the PS), with real serial ports, that draw < 30w while running Gentoo linux (I have one as an NTP dev box now, using the Adafruit breakout board). With the Adafruit breakout & a real serial port, you’ll have to have a serial level converter, and some soldering will be required - the parts come as “kits” for the headers, etc. I can send you specific links to models of level converters at Adafruit or Sparkfun. These serial level converters *might* (I don’t think so, from my research) introduce some timing delays. Those more knowledgable about electronics might want to chime in about how a MAX232 or equivalent chip will/won’t affect timing for PPS. Thanks, Frank _______________________________________________ devel mailing list devel@ntpsec.org http://lists.ntpsec.org/mailman/listinfo/devel