I'm also a Protonmail user, I tried this in the past but I wasn't able to 
achieve this goal.
Currently, I'm a bit busy but I am hoping on QtWebEngine for SFOS. If we have 
that available at our disposal, a Protonmail webapp would be doable with 
notifications and stuff I think. Chromium support web notifications out of the 
box normally.

Kind regards,
Dylan Van Assche

P.S.: No questions are stupid ;-), if you have any questions, please ask!

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, 22 October 2018 17:27, dep <d...@drippingwithirony.com> wrote:

> Hi, everybody . . .
> A few days ago I posted here looking for a webapp framework, and I'm
> starting to think I asked the wrong question.
> I think I'm looking for source for the most basic of web browsers, that can
> be modified to become a ProtonMail application. I think it needs to be
> gecko-based because while I can log in to the ProtonMail webmail page via
> the Jolla browser, I can't with either Web Pirate or Webcat. I have no
> idea why, except that with the Jolla browser I can enter in the login
> information and it gets accepted by ProtonMail, while both of the others
> throw an incorrect login information error.
> The idea would be to produce a lightweight browser with the
> protonmail.com/login page hardcoded. But wait (as they say on television
> ads) there's more: I'd hope to add notifications, preferably via daemon in
> the same way that we can get texts without the Messages app being open,
> and a proper download path for attachments and such -- the Android app
> that sorta-kinda works wants to dump studd into ~/android_storage/Download
> instead of just ~/Download. (This last is a minor thing -- I could make
> ~/android_storage/Download a symlink to ~/Download, though that's a
> kludge.)
> In that I haven't the slightest idea how to do any of the above (except the
> symlink), I hope to avoid reinventing the wheel. So I hope there's a very
> basic browser out there that can be hacked rather than my trying to
> reinvent the wheel with little knowledge other than wheels being round.
> Is there such a thing?
> Thanks!
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> dep
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