Hi Stefano

Sorry If I distracted the line of argument with the forum vs. ML vs. TJC thing...

To directly answer your / David's question: I have been in the ML since pretty early on, and I have never felt "oh I wish this list was moderated, get me out of here ...". Indeed I have welcomed the wide range of topics from intensely technical through to Jolla's take on Open Source.

Equally I have never felt "he / she should be summarily booted off the M" (though I can't exclude the possibility that others may think that in my case ...).

The past few days have been very different from the norm, and we should not make massive changes based on them alone.

However it is possible that as this community increases, and becomes less of a small intimate family, then the need for moderation may grow.


Zitat von "Stefano Mosconi" <stefano.mosc...@jolla.com>:

It seems that the original topic was a bit forgotten in favor of the forum vs. ML vs. TJC (which is a good and intersting topic but no matter what tool we use we will have to go back to the main question).

Just to try to steer the boat back on the original journey this the question that David was asking at the beginning:

On 22/05/14 17:18, David Greaves wrote:
We need to be careful about over-policing discussions but there is such a thing
as under-policing too.

How would we (community, not Jolla) determine the line? and what measures do we
think should be taken?

Lorn pointed to this as a useful document:

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