On Friday 20 December 2013 11:21 Kimmo Lindholm wrote:
> My app was rejected...
> >>Reason for rejection: The application does not respond to volume control.
> >>In the phone the volume is muted, but in the application is not muted. Br
> >>Dorota

That's a weird cause for rejection. There are *many* use cases where you want 
the phone to be muted, but not other apps.

> First I used QtMultimedia Audio component which seems to follow system
> volume setting, but after the sound is played, there is glitch in
> animations running on the screen.
> Then I switched to SoundEffect component, but it plays always with full
> volume regardless of system volume settings (or muting). I can 'manually'
> adjust the volume through with SoundEffect.volume -property.
> Is there any way that I can pass system volume/muted value to
> SoundEffect.volume?
> Last night I made a simple test application, but I forgot to push sources it
> to github. The armv7hl rpm can be downloaded from
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/s5x1wbnr3qgqs6o/tonetest-0.1-1.armv7hl.rpm
> When playing with Audio, you can see the glitch in spinning logo. This is
> not happening with SoundEffect. The sliders are mapped relevant component
> volume property
> import QtMultimedia 5.0 as Media
> ....
>     Media.SoundEffect
>     {
>         id: playSoundEffect
>         source: "../wavs/test.wav"
>         volume: << SYSTEM VOLUME HERE ?? >>
>     }
> -kimmo

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus
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