Hi Wim

Do you still get your original error that you posted at the start of this thread?

file:///opt/sdk/share/mediagallery/mediagallery.qml:0:0: Expected token `numeric literal'

file:///opt/sdk/share/mediagallery/mediagallery.qml:0:0: Expected a qualified name id

I assume from earlier posts that this was on Ubuntu (version not specified), but as always assumptions are dangerous ...

In the meantime I have been able to build and run (Debug / Copy Files to Device) (and thus failed to replicate your error) on OSX, Windows 7, and Lubuntu 13.04



Zitat von christopher.l...@thurweb.ch:


A minor correction to my text below:

3) Open the project via the src.pro file and setup the project via the thumbnailer.pro (not the src.pro as stated below).


Zitat von christopher.l...@thurweb.ch:

Hi Wim

Here is how to do it (the hard way):

1) In QtCreator/Sailfish/Manage Targets install the package gst-plugins-base-devel.
This will also add the package gstreamer-devel

(These dependencies are mentioned in the src.pro file).

2) Download and unzip the sources from https://github.com/nemomobile/nemo-qml-plugin-thumbnailer

3) Open the project via the src.pro file and setup the project

4) Hit the green Run button (fingers in ears at this point).

5) If you get an error like ":-1: error: Failed to upload file '/Users/christopherlamb/SailfishProjects/nemo-qml-plugin-thumbnailer-master/src/libnemothumbnailer.so'." don't panic, we can work around that.

6) In your equivalent of /Users/christopherlamb/SailfishOS/mersdk/targets/SailfishOS-i486-x86/usr/lib/qt4/imports
add the subdirectories org/nemomobile/thumbnailer

7) In your project directory (under src) you will find a libnemothumbnailer.so
library and a qmldir file

Copy these into your n your equivalent of /Users/christopherlamb/SailfishOS/mersdk/targets/SailfishOS-i486-x86/usr/lib/qt4/imports/org/nemomobile/thumbnailer

8) Now in your MediaGallery / PreviwGrid.qml the import import org.nemomobile.thumbnailer 1.0 should no longer be underlined in red. (If it is try Tools/QML JS/Reset Code Model)

This is of course the "brew your own" route. Maybe the Thumbnailer Package can be directly installed.

I hope this helps


Zitat von christopher.l...@thurweb.ch:

Hi Wim

I can confirm that on OSX I am also missing the plugin / components package org.nemomobile.thumbnailer, as shown by the red line in QtCreator under the import statement.

The error means that in your equivalent of:


there should be a subdirectory org/nemomobile/thumbnailer containing the qmls and lib files for this plugin.

There probably is an easy way to install this (e.g. via QtCreator/Sailfish/Manage Targets), but I have not found it.

In the meantime you can find the sources here ( I downloaded the zip)


Assuming these compile, then it should be possible to scp (secure copy) the results into the directory structure above. I will give this a go later this evening, and let you know how / if it works. (This is how I have installed my own custom plugin).

b.t.w I have been trying to get Sailfish up and running on Lubuntu / Ubuntu to see if I can replicate your original error, but am having problems with the Emulator which I will post in the next few minutes in a separate thread ...


Zitat von "Wim de Vries" <wsvr...@xs4all.nl>:

Thanks for the reply.
QtMobility.gallery 1.1 is imported indeed.

But it seems that org.nemomobile.thumbnailer is missing.
It is not in the mediagallery example set.
I am not very knowledgeble on QML.
Any hint how to get/install this?

On 04/24/2013 05:28 PM, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch wrote:
Hi Wim

I have just done a quick test on Apple-pip my OSX host.

In my case the application opens successfully: I get pretty pictures on the SailfishOS Emulator.

My output is the following:

Display on requested
Qml debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment!
Using the meego graphics system
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
Warning: specifying an object instance for initialPage is sub-optimal - prefer to use a Component
loaded the Generic plugin
Loaded the MeeGo sensor plugin
Requested sensor id ' "orientationsensor" ' interface not granted
Requested sensor id ' "orientationsensor" ' interface not granted
hijackWindow() context created for QDeclarativeView(0x70dd3108) 1
QGLWindowSurface: Using plain widget as window surface QGLWindowSurface(0x711193c8) Successfully resolved MeeGo graphics system: /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/graphicssystems/libqmeegographicssystem.so


Do you have the QtMultimediaKit installed? The PreviewGrid.qml imports it
import QtMobility.gallery 1.1

See one of my earlier threads on the issue of installing QtMultimedia / Mobility



Zitat von "Wim de Vries" <wsvr...@xs4all.nl>:

I am trying the mediagallery example (run).
No build errors, but the Sailfish VM turns to black (CTRL H won't help) and I get this message:

Display on requested

Using the meego graphics system

libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate

file:///opt/sdk/share/mediagallery/mediagallery.qml:0:0: Expected token `numeric literal'

file:///opt/sdk/share/mediagallery/mediagallery.qml:0:0: Expected a qualified name id

hijackWindow() context created for QDeclarativeView(0x71326128) 1

QGLWindowSurface: Using plain widget as window surface QGLWindowSurface(0x7141e488)





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