Hi Wim

I can confirm that on OSX I am also missing the plugin / components package org.nemomobile.thumbnailer, as shown by the red line in QtCreator under the import statement.

The error means that in your equivalent of:


there should be a subdirectory org/nemomobile/thumbnailer containing the qmls and lib files for this plugin.

There probably is an easy way to install this (e.g. via QtCreator/Sailfish/Manage Targets), but I have not found it.

In the meantime you can find the sources here ( I downloaded the zip)


Assuming these compile, then it should be possible to scp (secure copy) the results into the directory structure above. I will give this a go later this evening, and let you know how / if it works. (This is how I have installed my own custom plugin).

b.t.w I have been trying to get Sailfish up and running on Lubuntu / Ubuntu to see if I can replicate your original error, but am having problems with the Emulator which I will post in the next few minutes in a separate thread ...


Zitat von "Wim de Vries" <wsvr...@xs4all.nl>:

Thanks for the reply.
QtMobility.gallery 1.1 is imported indeed.

But it seems that org.nemomobile.thumbnailer is missing.
It is not in the mediagallery example set.
I am not very knowledgeble on QML.
Any hint how to get/install this?

On 04/24/2013 05:28 PM, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch wrote:
Hi Wim

I have just done a quick test on Apple-pip my OSX host.

In my case the application opens successfully: I get pretty pictures on the SailfishOS Emulator.

My output is the following:

Display on requested
Qml debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment!
Using the meego graphics system
libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate
Warning: specifying an object instance for initialPage is sub-optimal - prefer to use a Component
loaded the Generic plugin
Loaded the MeeGo sensor plugin
Requested sensor id ' "orientationsensor" ' interface not granted
Requested sensor id ' "orientationsensor" ' interface not granted
hijackWindow() context created for QDeclarativeView(0x70dd3108) 1
QGLWindowSurface: Using plain widget as window surface QGLWindowSurface(0x711193c8) Successfully resolved MeeGo graphics system: /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/graphicssystems/libqmeegographicssystem.so


Do you have the QtMultimediaKit installed? The PreviewGrid.qml imports it
import QtMobility.gallery 1.1

See one of my earlier threads on the issue of installing QtMultimedia / Mobility



Zitat von "Wim de Vries" <wsvr...@xs4all.nl>:

I am trying the mediagallery example (run).
No build errors, but the Sailfish VM turns to black (CTRL H won't help) and I get this message:

Display on requested

Using the meego graphics system

libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate

file:///opt/sdk/share/mediagallery/mediagallery.qml:0:0: Expected token `numeric literal'

file:///opt/sdk/share/mediagallery/mediagallery.qml:0:0: Expected a qualified name id

hijackWindow() context created for QDeclarativeView(0x71326128) 1

QGLWindowSurface: Using plain widget as window surface QGLWindowSurface(0x7141e488)





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