Hi David
I had deliberately not used the New Project "SailfishOS Qt Quick
Application Template" because I had assumed that it was intended for
applications and would give me .pro settings for that scenario.
So it looks like we (currently) have two approaches when developing a
library targeted at SailfishOS:
a) start with the "SailfishOS Qt Quick Application Template" and then
modify settings so that the end result is a library (perhaps using a
Harmattan library as a reference).
b) start with a Harmattan library, and modify settings to that the end
result is a SailfishOS flavoured library - using a demo "SailfishOS Qt
Quick Application Template" project as a reference.
Both approaches require adding some frills, removing others to get the
required end result.
Zitat von "David Greaves" <da...@dgreaves.com>:
On 20/04/13 20:49, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch wrote:
HI David
the problem (or at least one of the problems) is on the first step.
I don't have an rpm folder, or a yarl file.
I have now hacked my .pro file so I have both.
So why were both missing?
They are provided as standard when using the SailfishOS template.
As you will have gathered from previous mails I am porting stuff
from Harmattan
to Sailfish.
This package is an abstraction layer, with two versions (or flavours), a
Harmattan one, and a Sailfish one. My "real" application projects
will import
one or the other depending on which they are targeted for.
I created the Harmattan "flavour" first, and used the "Library"
template project
that the Qt Project Qt Creator 2.6.1 offered.
Once I got that more or less working, I turned to the Sailfish flavour.
However the Sailfish Qt Creator 2.6.2 does not offer a "Library" template
project, so I just cloned the Harmattan flavour and hoped for the
opened it in Sailfish Qt Creator and clicked build...
Yep - and that mainly works; you just don't get all the frills :)
We'll have to see if the plugin can support adding packaging to an
existing project.
"Don't worry, you'll be fine; I saw it work in a cartoon once..."
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