For docker containers, or containers, which don't want systemd, the current
"Requires: systemd" in a lot of packages is preventing building a minimal image.

To improve the situation, we could make use of the new rpm weak dependencies.
So the

Requires(post): systemd
Requires(preun): systemd
Requires(postun): systemd

would become

Recommends: systemd
OrderWithRequires(post): systemd
OrderWithRequires(preun): systemd
OrderWithRequires(postun): systemd

With this in place, kickstart files could omit systemd.

The downside is:
- if systemd is installed afterwards, the %post scripts do not trigger
- packages, which need systemd-tmpfiles or systemd-sysusers could not be 

If systemd is removed before the other packages, I don't see a problem.
There are only leftovers in /etc/systemd.

To prevent having a non-bootable system (not container), we could let the
kernel.spec have a Requires on systemd.

Comments? Please discuss.
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