Am 26.04.2014 02:01, schrieb Jóhann B. Guðmundsson:
> On 04/25/2014 10:53 PM, Miloslav Trmač wrote:
>> I don't think our foundations ever implied that we need or want to be a 
>> closed ecosystem restricted to only the
>> repository we produce.  The just don't address this.
> You must understand we cannot keep back process in the distribution, be it 
> cleanup or advancement based on some 3rd
> party requirements out there since we are as powerless to help them as we are 
> with proprietary components.

you must understand that you can't do any "cleanup" coming to your mind if you 
building an *operating system* without care for the real use cases out there or 
will and in a very clean environment nobody but you will use over the long 
nobody wants to work with a operatiung system where every few weeks thins left 
right are falling down

progress is not defined by destory others environments for a theoretical better 
because the way some hardline "cleanupers" will never stop acting that way and 
begin to
deprecate things which *now* you are telling everybody has to migrate to to 
3 years later

a *operating system* is *the base* for others work and as long  some people 
don't understand
that they are doing harm not only to the distribution and the current users, 
they damage Linux
as a whole ecosystem because nobody right in his mind will migrate to a 
operating system where
his work is destroyed every few months or years

*that is* why microsoft is that sucessful while they are shipping technical 
crap - you have to
find a way to develop and improve things without breaking careless left and 
right around you or
you end meaningless - the way of such development is replace code but keep 
interfaces and
configurations compatible and unchanged - yes that's harder than throw away 
anything when
ever you like to do so and start from scratch - but if you don't want to do 
this you
should not pretend you are developing an operating syteem

*you* fear Fedora ends meaningless if the progress is not fast enough?

the reality is Fedora ends meaningless if it is only a technical playground 
with no stability
in interfaces endusers and developers outside the distribution can build on top 
of and the
reason why Unix and unix-like systems are survived that many years are stable 
interfaces until
a few years ago the "throw away and break anything"-attitude started that much

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