Am 25.04.2014 19:30, schrieb Miloslav Trmač:
> 2014-04-25 12:40 GMT+02:00 "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson":
>     Which is what we care about we cannot hold back progress in the 
> distribution based on someone, someplace,
>     somewhere might be using legacy cruff.
>     It's better for everybody they themselves included that they maintain 
> those packages or components within
>     Fedora itself or those individuals or company's will need to adapt they 
> themselves to our changes when we make
>     them.
> That's certainly an option but it's not the only one; see the recent 
> "Functional" threads for example.
> For LSB, there is an /explicit promise/ that if a vendor does what is 
> specified, the package will be possible to
> install and will run correctly.  We do, of course, have the option to 
> repudiate LSB and explicitly say we don't
> care for future releases.
> And it's not only commercial software; private projects that make no sense to 
> publish (such as a company's web
> site) are equally affected such changes. Simply spoken, if we care only about 
> package in Fedora, we are building an
> appliance; if we want to build an operating system, we do need to cater for 
> software not included directly in the repo

*thank you* for that words!

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