Lukáš Nykrýn ( said: 
> >Also the sysctl stuff should be consumed by systemd:
> >/usr/lib/sysctl.d/00-system.conf
> >/etc/sysctl.conf
> >/etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf
> >
> >Can we have a joint initscripts + systemd release in a few days to
> >change ownership of those files?
> Sounds great. I will removed that from "upstream" and let you know.

Historically, configuration like these (aside from the placeholders) are in
initscripts because systemd didn't want to carry them - it's configuration
that wasn't covered or was different from the upstream 50-default.conf.  If
the systemd maintainers are willing to have the Fedora default config
different from upstream, then merging it makes sense. But shipping both
00-system.conf and 50-default.conf in one package doesn't make as much

> >>initscripts-doc
> >>initscripts-locale
> >>initscripts-man
> >I too think that this split is a lot of work for small gain. Working
> >out the full dependencies set of what needs what is going to take a
> >while, but I think it would be better to simply shrink the package to
> >nothing in small steps.

I really don't think we should do things like -locale, -doc, and -man
at the inidivdual package level. It should be done at the distribution level
automatically (vis-a-vis debuginfo), or not done at all. Doing it manually
just leads to a potential for errors and inconsistency.

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