On Thu, 22 Aug 2013 11:03:52 -0400
Matthew Miller <mat...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> Based on discussion at Flock, on the devel mailing list, and in the
> FESCo meeting, we are looking for feedback on the idea of a longer
> release cycle for Fedora 21 -- not (right now at least) the bigger
> question of the 6-month cycle overall, but just, right now, slowing
> down for a release to get some things in order.
> Specifically, both Release Engineering and QA have clear needs (and
> even plans for) greater automatiion, but are also incredibly busy
> simply doing the things they need to do _now_ to get the release out
> the door.
> So, FESCo would like to see some specifics, like "If we had one week
> with nothing else to worry about, we could have automated generation
> and upload of cloud images" (to pick an example I personally care
> about). Or "with six months of overall delay, we could have
> continuous integration testing of a key subset of rawhide". Or "we
> could spend a couple of weeks and automate the new package and review
> workflow".
> What Infrastructure projects would be helped by this? Web and design
> team, would slowing down the release focus allow time to work on, oh,
> say, getting the Wiki beautiful (or does it not matter)? What else?


So, on the infrastructure side we are pretty used to rolling things out
while the release cycle is going. We do freezes before milestones and
those freezes give us some time to work on things as well as other
'quiet' parts of the release cycle. 

In general most of our constraints are people related. We just don't
have enough developers and sysadmins to setup, deploy and maintain all
the things we might want to do. 

* move more infra hosts to selinux enforcing. 
* A fedora site search engine setup
* mailman3/hyperkitty roll out (this is progress, we do have people
  working on it)
* Setup a more usable release engineering side in our staging env. This
  entails setting up a koji, builder, tying to pkgs01.stg, tying to
  bodhi, etc.
* limesurvey instance (we have a package in review, it's been stalled
  for a long time, if someone could take over packaging that would be
  great! bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=819480 )
* Figure out new docs process and how we can use it to deploy
  docs.fedoraproject.org (waiting on input from docs folks). 
* Re-install part of our cloud with latest openstack and test it out,
  then migrate things to it and reinstall the old one. 
* If we had time we could work on cleaning up a lot of cron
  jobs/scripts to use fedmsg/be smarter. 

...I can come up with a bunch more...

But as noted these mostly can be done anytime we have people willing to
do them. 


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