On Monday 22 July 2013 20:18:04 Matthew Miller wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 03:14:32AM +0300, Oron Peled wrote:
> > BTW: nobody ever answered how desktop users are supposed to read the
> > 
> >      output of their cron-jobs (they don't have permissions to read logs).
> They do have permissions to read journal entries that come from their
> userid.

1. Thanks, I've seen Lennart's reply regarding this in a separate sub-thread
   (boy, it's getting hard to follow this topic)

2. But as I've shown in my reply to him, cron-jobs output is not logged
   to this "personal" log, but rather to the system-wide log which isn't
   readable by regular users.

So although the "per-user" syslog feature is really good, it doesn't
apply to the case at hand.

Do you have a real (i.e: working) solution for users to read the
output of their own cron-jobs (besides mail of course).

Without this, you propose to cut an important functionality from
almost everyone (default).

Instead, let's remove MTA from *minimal* install, but not from *default*.

Oron Peled                                 Voice: +972-4-8228492
o...@actcom.co.il                  http://users.actcom.co.il/~oron
"Normally the saying is: 'Fast, Reliable, Cheap. Pick any two.' But with
Linux you can pick all three!"
        --from a Slashdot post

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