On 07/21/2013 03:17 AM, drago01 wrote:
On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 8:58 AM, Nicolas Mailhot
<nicolas.mail...@laposte.net> wrote:
Le Sam 20 juillet 2013 21:14, Adam Williamson a écrit :
I asked for evidence, not hypotheses. All you are currently doing is
making an assertion, over and over and over and over again.
Pot, kettle
I'll add another one: desktop people have complained for years just like
you it was a legacy system and surely "something better" should replace
it. Yet the "something better" never materialized. When I had a disk go
wrong lately I was notified by the big ugly legacy system. I had *zero*
notification by all the "better" systems that were given as "evidence".
That's good for you but most user wouldn't even have noticed the mail.
Where are your statistics to back up that wild assertion.
Stephen Clark
Director of Technology
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