On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 03:58:10PM +0200, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
> In the end, making the pile of problems shrink requires working on the
> pile of problems. That does not mean you can not deploy over multiple vms,
> but if you take the fact you can deploy over multiple vms as an excuse not
> to work on the basic problems you're in for rude awakenings. Splitting is
> easy. Merging is hard. And merging always happens someday. The winning
> long-term strategy is to work as much as possible as if you have a single
> baseline, and keep bundling as a last-ditch temporary workaround.

Okay, this I follow much better. But, I simply disagree that this is the
winning long-term strategy, because the actual impact isn't that everything
is merged into a perfect whole, but that the perfect whole is missing
important pieces and everyone else is over doing something else where that
stuff just works.

This disagreement is a reasonable one, and I think it roughly falls into
what is classically called "The Right Thing" vs. "Worse is Better". I think
we agree that the same basic things are important, just disagree about their
ordering. I think that the approach where we get things in and then work to
improve them where possible is the one with better long term prospects.

Matthew Miller  ☁☁☁  Fedora Cloud Architect  ☁☁☁  <mat...@fedoraproject.org>
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