On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 8:42 PM, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:
> Am 25.07.2013 20:29, schrieb drago01:
>>> I am fine with splitting out the actual enduser apps out, but that's
>>> nothing that can happen before we actually have a sane concept of
>>> apps. But for the rest we should work on creating one strong unified
>>> platform rather than a conglomerate of puzzle pieces that won't fit
>>> together. You just weaken the name of Fedora that way, we won't stand
>>> for anything anymore but a set of awkwardly non-integrated unsynced
>>> components.
>>> Sorry, but I am not buying this proposal, it appears to go 180° in the
>>> wrong diretcion...
>> Exactly and pretty much all (successful) competitors do it that way
>> (that's not limited to linux distributions)
> and if they would have found the one and only right way we would not
> need different distributions at all because we would have found the
> one and only environment fit for everybody


> i saw a lot of (successful) competitors come and go in the
> past 10 years in case of our business and if we would have
> followed them bldindly we would have gone down the same way

There is a difference between "follow blindly" and bury your head in the sand .
You seem to pretty much always opt for the later when someone mentions
the competition.
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