Le Mar 23 juillet 2013 13:54, Bryan Kearney a écrit :

> With virt / cloud becoming easier.. is that not a common model? More
> smaller machines which are dedicated to one and only one service?

You can try to sweep problems under lots of carpets, and pretend the
problem pile is smaller since the pile under each carpet is small, but in
reality it didn't grow less. Having worked for about a decade in an
organisation that used this strategy, I can tell it is very successful
till a point. There *will* come a time where you run out of carpets, and
when you can not split the problems any more, and need to rewind all the
carpet splitting history to find a common root to the bits you absolutely
need working together.

Big organisations deal with it by trying to pay their technical debt in
one go via crash fixup programs (2000 bug was one example). It works, or
not. In both cases they usually make headlines for the astronomic amount
of money that was required to fix IT.

I doubt Fedora has the resources to perform such a crash fixup program if
the conditions to need one are created.

Nicolas Mailhot

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