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On 07/22/2013 11:53 AM, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
> Le Lun 22 juillet 2013 17:27, Matthew Miller a écrit :
>> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 09:51:37AM -0500, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
>>> I'm a bit worried about this. We really want bundled libs to 
>>> eventually go away (for any particular bundled lib). This seems
>>> like it could encourage permanently bundled libs. That is going
>>> to make
>> Upstream code is full of bundled libs. We are holding back the
>> ocean here.
> Upstream code is full of bundled lib because that's the quick and
> dirty way to get some code out and Fedora is not making the tooling
> necessary to avoid bundled libs easy enough to use.
> You won't get Fedora used more by adopting other OSes problems, you
> will get it used more by solving the problems of Fedora and by
> playing of Fedora strengths. Nobody cares about also-rans.

We're already an also-ran. There's a difference between "adopting
other OSes problems" and "recognizing that the market doesn't agree
with your philosophy". There's a reason why Blackberries have nearly
died off in favor of Android and iOS devices: Blackberry demanded
technical purity and excellence in doing a small number of tasks well.
Android and iOS allowed users to decide for themselves what they
wanted to do.

I agree with Matthew's idea that we can do more good by allowing them
into the fold now and then encouraging packagers to work with the
upstreams to unbundle as we go. And yes, I realize this means that
there will likely be packages that never get unbundled. I'd like to
believe that what will happen over time is that downstream projects
will migrate towards libraries that are better maintained and that
over the long-term, unbundling will win out simply by providing the
cleaner experience.

But in the meantime, the fact that people don't choose Fedora because
we make it too hard for them to deploy here is a problem we need to
solve. I think it's acceptable to course-correct and get people back
on board, rather than face a shrinking community in the name of
technical purity.
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