On Fri, 19.07.13 13:17, Billy Crook (billycr...@gmail.com) wrote:

> Sendmail stays in Default unless there is compelling reason to switch to
> postfix, exim, meta1, etc.  Those users who wish to remove it are welcome
> to do so.  Nobody is stopping them. The default configuration of sendmail
> poses no problem to users who are unaware of it.

Not true. I eats my cron logs and other stuff and I have no way to get
the stuff out of it again with the core install...

> Please voice yourself at meetings in #fedora-devel if this is important to
> you.

Yes, please, post a lot of "+1" messages. They contribute so positively
(I mean, literally!) to any discussion. "+1" messages are really good
for making a point as they contain so much additional arguments nobody
has heard or read before. It's almost as constructive posting "+1"s, as
it is posting sarcastic comments about their pointlessness...


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
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