On Jul 22, 2013, at 10:25 AM, Adam Williamson <awill...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Even running the latest and greatest rawhide nothing desktop-side
>> caught a very basic event like a failing disk!
> GNOME Disks is supposed to pop up a notification when SMART reports
> pre-fail status for a disk, I think. I suppose it's possible that's
> broken on the GNOME side somehow.

Difficult to test. ;-)

GNOME Disks will poll for SMART info when it's run manually. As for 
notifications when the app isn't running, I'm not sure how this would work 
without a daemon running that polls on a schedule. Same for mdadm created RAID 
arrays. Neither mdadm or smartd are configured out of the box to issue 
notifications, and when they are so configured, both depend on email as the 

I consistently get notifications from Gnome Shell if I use LVM (integrated) 
RAID, but presently anaconda doesn't create this form of RAID. Instead it uses 
mdadm to create an explicit md device, then creates LVM on that. Whereas the 
integrated approach, the raid level is an attribute of the LV (it does use the 
md driver code, but it doesn't depend on mdadm for creation or monitoring) with 
its own LVM monitoring daemon.

Chris Murphy
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