On Jul 21, 2013, at 10:55 AM, "Nicolas Mailhot" <nicolas.mail...@laposte.net> 
>  (state-of-the-art as in, what are Google
> and Amazon using to notify their users of events? Mail messages!>

If you're talking about google calendar events, email is used only because even 
with Chrome the pop-up notifications only work 1/2 the time. 

> They
> would be ROFL if they were reading this conversation. If it's not done yet
> I predict they'll integrate their phones and tablets and notify you of
> problems by mail in the next years.)

?? So you think it's a good idea to have low battery, critical software 
updates, maybe a virus alert, appear to the user in an email? That really makes 
no sense, but I'm otherwise not thinking what else you mean by the above.

I think email is craptastic. There's too much of it in all forms. But the worst 
is the kind that comes from automated systems. I want less of this, not more of 
it. The email UA paradigm is still overwhelmingly chronologically based. The 
attempts to prioritize emails still lack sufficient granularity, even with a 
lot of work (and on-going work). And it fails miserably on mobile for the 
typical user with 1-3 email accounts, so an email of a hard drive failure gets 
mixed in with Aunt Edna needing her gall bladder removed in emergency surgery 
and Sally who just got a new puppy. Email sucks as a notification system.

Chris Murphy
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