On 3 May 2013 01:46, Adam Williamson <awill...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 2013-05-02 at 22:44 +0200, Simone Caronni wrote:
> > I think is already a bit too late, unfortunately. On my laptop:
> >
> > xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse-13.0.0-1.fc18.x86_64
> > xorg-x11-drv-vmware-12.0.2-3.20120718gite5ac80d8f.fc18.x86_64
> > xorg-x11-drv-qxl-0.0.22-5.20120718gitde6620788.fc18.x86_64
> > spice-vdagent-0.14.0-1.fc18.x86_64
> Well, "we have this thing that sucks, so let's add this OTHER thing that
> sucks" has never been the strongest logic :P

> It seems like the thing to do would be to ask anaconda if it's
> feasible / desirable to make the installation of this stuff contingent
> on the environment. I kinda agree with Rich on the 'generic cloud image'
> case; it doesn't seem like it'd be too difficult to just explicitly
> include the necessary packages in generating such an image, so I don't
> think it's particularly compelling to say we have to put useless
> packages on everyone's systems just so that someone building a generic
> image has a slightly easier time of it.
> If anaconda doesn't want to do the 'contingent install' thing, then the
> 'just install it everywhere' option seems like the second best choice.

Yes, this is exactly my point, I was simply showing an example of this.
I'm not a sponsor of having open-vm-tools installed by default.

My preference would be not to install anything that is needed for a
particular environment and install the additional packages on demand.
I dont' see any problem in performing one of those for a sysadmin:

yum install open-vm-tools
yum install open-vm-tools-desktop (this could pull the vmmouse and vmware
xorg drivers in)
yum install spice-vdagent (this could pull the qxl driver in)
yum install ovirt-guest-agent

an image is never prepared as-is with the default installation, so I don't
see the problem of performing an additional command.

Having said that; what would be cool, is to have Anaconda detect the
environment and install the correct packages at install time, so for
example a user could have a nice starting impression after the first


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