Am 02.05.2013 22:45, schrieb Simone Caronni:
> On 2 May 2013 22:29, Reindl Harald < 
> <>> wrote:
>     recent and for fedora relevant kernels are including any server
>     relevant drivers, with 3.9 even vsock and vmci are in the upstream
>     kernel, for F19 there is a 3.9 kernel available which works also
>     on F18 and i guess 3.9 for F18 will come soon
> Exactly. During the review Ravindra promised to update upstream's 
> open-vm-tools README files with the information
> regarding the module status:
> Fedora, RHEL 6
> - vmxnet3 (2.6.32+)
> - vmw_pvscsi (2.6.33+)
> - vmw_balloon (2.6.34+)
> - vmwgfx (2.6.33+)
> - vmmouse_drv (xorg)
> - vmware_drv (xorg)
> Fedora 19+
> - vmw_vmci (3.9)
> - vmw_vsock_vmci_transport (3.9)
> Not integrated yet
> - vmblock
> - vmhgfs
> - vmsync
> - vmxnet

vmblock / vmsync are no longe needed

they was needed for consistent snaphsots and not used on recenct kernels
get this both obsolete did make my life so much easier with VMware
Datarecovery and kernel updates

vmhgfs is only relevant on desktops and even there i would use SMB

vmxnet is not needed at all, vmxnet3 is in the upstream kernel
since years - so finally you do not really need any kernel mdoule
and since my whole infracstructure is running a long time even
without vmci/vsock a declare both also as obsolete

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