On 2 May 2013 22:29, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:

> drivers are a total different topic
> recent and for fedora relevant kernels are including any server
> relevant drivers, with 3.9 even vsock and vmci are in the upstream
> kernel, for F19 there is a 3.9 kernel available which works also
> on F18 and i guess 3.9 for F18 will come soon

Exactly. During the review Ravindra promised to update upstream's
open-vm-tools README files with the information regarding the module status:

Fedora, RHEL 6

- vmxnet3 (2.6.32+)
- vmw_pvscsi (2.6.33+)
- vmw_balloon (2.6.34+)
- vmwgfx (2.6.33+)
- vmmouse_drv (xorg)
- vmware_drv (xorg)

Fedora 19+

- vmw_vmci (3.9)
- vmw_vsock_vmci_transport (3.9)

Not integrated yet

- vmblock
- vmhgfs
- vmsync
- vmxnet


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