Am 18.02.2013 16:37, schrieb Miloslav Trmač:
> On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Reindl Harald <> 
> wrote:
>> as said - this is thin ice
>> remember MySQL 5.5.10
>> you can not expect real binary compatibility over the
>> whole release cycle and if it slightly breaks it starts
>> to get funny in context having both in Fedora and depend
>> on exact obsoletes / provides / dependencies
> "Real compatibility over the whole release cycle" is a higher bar than
> we need to achieve.
> What we actually need is much weaker, namely API (not ABI)

not really, you need ABI compatibility between MySQL and MariaDB

> We don't need ABI compatibility between F18 and F19 for Fedora
> packages because there will be a mass rebuild.

where did i say anythign about ABI compatibility between F18 and F19?

> We don't need ABI compatibility between the two implementations "over
> the release cycle" because once the client libraries are switched to
> the MariaDB implementation, ABI changes in the MySQL implementation no
> longer concern Fedora packages.

so why is it statet in the feature page

> Non-Fedora pre-compiled binaries would be affected by the 
> divergence, but this divergence is no worse
> than the divergence in ABIs between F18/F19/F20 or between the
> corresponding ABIs of MySQL client library versions

hard to say which tools users have running which are
built against MySQL 5.5 and not part of fedora and
if they break, and yes for users this is a topic beause
the distribution / OS for the user is a platform for
his work and tools and not the one and only

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