On 02/14/2013 01:07 PM, Chris wrote:
2013/2/14 Kevin Kofler<kevin.kof...@chello.at>:
>Jóhann B. Guðmundsson wrote:
>>Surely you are not honestly consider replacing mysql installation with
>>mariadb on upgrades?
>Have you missed the discussion? MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL,
>it will REPLACE MySQL in Fedora repositories, and we like to keep existing
>setups WORKING (e.g. we don't want to break Akonadi, which relies on an
>autospawned mysql-server, or Amarok, which relies on mysql-embedded) and
>supplied with security updates (which would not be the case for an
>unmaintained MySQL RPM from an older Fedora release that just sits on your
>disk), so of course, MariaDB WILL replace MySQL on upgrades.
.. unless you do a little change in your yum configuration:
Then the replacement won't happen.
In other words: It is not possible to install mysql on ferdora 19???
Fedora and freedom??? Freedom is to have the choice between mysql and
See the steps on the feature page:
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