On 02/15/2013 3:31 PM, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
> On 02/15/2013 01:50 PM, Honza Horak wrote:
> > I still see the differences between MariaDB and MySQL to be very
> > little.
> Difference never the less and difference in behavior ( which mariadbs
> own benchmarking on their website proof ) which means every server
> tweak
> that has been done for the mysql host has to be redone to take
> whatever
> changes and features mariadb introduces.

Can you be more specific, what tweaks you mean?

> >>>> If you install mate or cinnamon or unity for that matter would
> >>>> you
> >>>> expect to be migrated and running Gnome 3.x after upgrade or
> >>>> would you
> >>>> expect to be continuing to use and run what got forked or based
> >>>> of it.
> >>>
> >>> This is already too extreme, we cannot compare Gnome forks and
> >>> MySQL
> >>> forks. It's really a different scenario.
> >>
> >> Same fundamental rules apply as I see it just different ( fork )
> >> components.
> >
> > So what about upstart->systemd or Gnome2->Gnome3 switches? These
> > also
> > took place without users interaction and it was not without
> > problems.
> > OK, they aren't forks, just new features. Why not take MariaDB just
> > as
> > a new feature?
> upstart was never properly integrated into the distribution so it's
> more
> accurate to talk about sys V --> Systemd and my advice to any
> distribution that thinks of making that switch to do so within one
> release cycle and arguably systemd should never have had that
> backward
> compatibility ( to that certain extent it has  ) to sys V
> implemented.
> Doing so has caused users to expect sysv/upstart like behavior of the
> init systemd as opposed to approach and embrace it as new technology.
> That said neither systemd nor Gnome 3 are forks however mariadb is so
> it
> will ( as is the nature of all forks ) grow further away from it's
> origin in time ( how fast that happens depends on it's maintainers ),
> thus it should be treated as fork and a completely separated database
> product that is *based* on mysql and packaged as such

It's possible, but I see that as another reason to do the switch to mariadb 
now, than later.

> > Well, in case we wouldn't obsolete mysql -- then either we could do
> > it
> > in F20 and have the same problem a few months later
> Sorry not following as long as someone is willing to maintain mysql
> in
> the distribution we should not be dealing with any kind of potential
> replacement migration.

The reason of replacement is not that nobody is willing to package mysql. The 
reasons were stated on the feature page:

> > or don't do it at all and then we would have troubles with CVE and
> > unfriendly upstream forever.
> >
> Still not following I would assume the more these two components grow
> apart the more CVE troubles we have and which unfriendly upstream
> mysql
> or mariadb one?

MySQL one ;) The problem is not number of CVE, but the information about them 
-- again, more info on the feature page and it shouldn't be hard to find 
Oracle's announcements about making these and other info (e.g. tests) private.

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