On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 10:21 AM, Jaroslav Reznik <jrez...@redhat.com> wrote:
> As someone pointed out in yesterday meeting - Fedora is becoming more
> a combo of time/feature based distribution.

I don't think that's really the case.

The important thing about a time-based schedule is that at some point
you _stop accepting new features_ (and we do have that), not that
there is a 100% reliable time when the GA release happens (which we
don't have).

The only way to have a 100% reliable GA release date would be to have
a development process that guarantees no regressions, so that no
surprises ever happen.  (Some projects do have that - full test
coverage and "continuous integration" running the tests after every
commit - but we obviously don't, and probably never will.)

(The problem with feature-based schedules is that if you plan features
A, B, C, and to release when all of them are done, and A becomes
significantly delayed, causing a slip in the schedule.  In the
meantine, somebody else starts working on D, adds it to the release...
and when A is done, D is delayed, causing a next slip.  IIRC emacs
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