On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 5:07 PM, David Cantrell <dcantr...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 08, 2012 at 05:44:41AM -0500, Jaroslav Reznik wrote:
>> We have bigger issue with features that are OUT OF the process,
>> not communicated at all. If you take a look on New Installer UI,
>> it fits current design, it was a late as the scope was bigger
>> than Anaconda team thought but it's there.
> The scope was not a surprise to us, we knew from the beginning when we
> started this that the delivery of all newui work would have to be staged
> across multiple Fedora releases.

It _was_ probably a surprise to some of us in FESCo.

If you look at the NewInstallerUI feature, there's very little
indication that there is a plan to stage things across releases -
there is only a single mention of F19 related to a feature that is
really not that important for the average Fedora user.

I suppose what happened here was, that the Anaconda team knew that
they want to do a multi-release transition, "it was obvious", so it
wasn't really emphasized anywhere - and anyone reading the feature
page didn't find anything wrong about it.

OTOH FESCo started with the assumption that F18 needs to ship with
"the expected functionality", and seeing the feature, "it was obvious"
that the Anaconda team was proposing the feature within these

So nobody even noticed the difference basically until the predecessor
of the detailed https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda/Work_List page
was created.

However, I'm not sure that we can solve this kind of disconnect by a
process change.
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