On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 09:40:33AM +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> I wrote:
> > IMHO this is a showstopper and approval for UsrMove should be withdrawn
> > and the "feature" reverted.
> PS: Oh, and I don't see why this cannot be fixed by a %pretrans scriptlet in 
> filesystem rather than a script we have to run by hand. That's what 
> %pretrans is for. (We successfully used %pretrans to convert directories to 
> symlinks or the opposite in a couple cases in KDE packaging in the past. 
> None were directories as important as the ones being touched by UsrMove 
> though!) And the scriptlet having been written BEFORE starting to convert 
> packages should have been a requirement for approving this feature.


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