Am 26.01.2012 12:29, schrieb Greg:
> On 26/01/2012 8:58 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> where is the improvement or does anything get better if things
>> worked for years got damaged? you definition of improvement
>> must have a bug!
> first thing. i agree that the Linux Filesystem needs to be cleaned up. 

have i said something against this?
no, i speak about the HOW!

> but here's my point. lets say your downloading a upgrade and the upgrade gets 
> to 87% and your power goes out for some time. what are you gonna do then?  

reboot and start again - yes i had this case in the past
"yum-complete-transaction" and "package-cleanup" is your friend

a small UPS does not cost too much an prevents from such cases
but to be honesty - have a power outage while dist-upgrade
is like win in the lottery

> you'll come to the mailing list and say my yum upgrade doesnt work. 

WTF - who will do this in the case of a power outage

and what the hell does a upgrade with DVD if your power goes down?
there is no difference to a yum upgrade - you have a undefined state

so please stop with such senseless arguments!

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