On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 11:29:33AM -0400, Deepak Bhole wrote:
> Andrew Haley and I just had a chat about this.
> We both agree that weaning off the 1.6 dependency is the best long-term
> solution. We essentially want it so that nothing in Fedora needs 1.6.
> That said, we will continue to ship 1.6 since 3rd party apps may need
> it. We will however remove the alternatives for 1.6, so using them will
> require the user to manually set JAVA_HOME to
> /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0..../ and call the java binary from that dir.
> This will prevent someone from accidentally switching the system
> alterne ative to 1.6 and having (1.7 built) apps fail.
Look into environment-modules as a possible aid to the end user :


I've always wondered why we used alternatives for java when it seems like
it's a per user or per application setting rather than a per-host setting

> Are there any major objections to the above?
Yeah, I'm with Peter Robinson that this change is coming too late in the
cycle.  Alpha has already shipped.  FESCo could disagree but it *must* go to
FESCo for them to give you permission.

> In the mean time, I am going to start building all java packages
> currently in F16 against 1.7 only to see the scope of changes that will
> be needed.
> to east
Do you need a separate build tag setup so you can do this testing without
disturbing normal builds?


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