On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Deepak Bhole <dbh...@redhat.com> wrote:

> * Toshio Kuratomi <a.bad...@gmail.com> [2011-07-23 20:03]:
> > On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 02:00:24PM -0700, Douglas Myers–Turnbull wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > Just something I wanted to bring to attention:
> > >
> > > Java 7 is slated for release (after years of hassle and heated debate)
> > > on 28 July, 2011.
> > > I think this would be an important feature to include for the Fedora
> > > 16 release, and the months between Java's release and Fedora 16's 25
> > > October release would allow plenty of time to integrate Java 7. If I'm
> > > not mistaken, if Java 7 isn't released this time around, it won't be
> > > in Fedora until the Fedora 17 release rolls around, nearly a year (!)
> > > after Java 7 is released.
> > >
> > > I created an unfinished, skeletal feature page here:
> > > http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Java7
> > > Unfortunately, I don't have the knowledge to help build it. I'm
> > > announcing it here in case whoever maintains Java 6 in Fedora, or
> > > someone else, is interested.
> > >
> I was planning to do this myself .. glad you started it :) I can take
> over the Feature and doing all the work if you're fine with it...
> > The alpha change deadline is a week and three days away so this is very
> > likely too late.  If you want to try to get an exception to get this in,
> you
> > need to get the Java SIG excited to do it, get the Feature page finished
> > (with estimates of how much time it will take to finish and who will do
> the
> > work) and put it before FESCo/Feature Wrangler to see if they'll grant an
> > exception.
> >
> > Judging by the state things are in now, I don't know that it looks too
> > hopeful unless you get some Java SIG people to commit to working on it.
> >
> This is doable by the Alpha deadline. The main holdup for us has been a
> lack of OpenJDK TCK for v7. The actual RPM can be written fairly
> quickly. We were hopeful that we'd be able to push a more tested initial
> version. But given the deadlines, it appears we will have to push
> whatever we have right now and modify/fix it as needed when we have the
> TCK.
Personally I would much sooner you wait until the feature deadline has
passed and we've branched the release and then push it directly to the new
F-17 rawhide so a better impact of what it breaks can be seen. If at that
point its all fairly minor only then review and see what it would take to
push back into F-16. A rushed effort will only cause chaos right when we're
suppose to be tightening and stabilising the release.

If java se 7 was going to be in F-16 there should have been RCs in there for
some time, the rough date for release has been known for some time and it
should be planned.

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