On 25 lip 2011, at 17:30, Deepak Bhole wrote:

>>> I created an unfinished, skeletal feature page here:
>>> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Java7
>>> Unfortunately, I don't have the knowledge to help build it. I'm
>>> announcing it here in case whoever maintains Java 6 in Fedora, or
>>> someone else, is interested.
> I was planning to do this myself .. glad you started it :) I can take
> over the Feature and doing all the work if you're fine with it...

Anything new in this topic?

As I'm trying to include JBoss AS7 in Fedora:


I'm very interested in having JDK7 packaged because it is required to build one 
of JBoss AS7 dependencies (XNIO). 



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