Am 23.08.2011 15:36, schrieb Jon Ciesla:
>>> Fedora?  Production?  I do that, but I'm mental
>> yes - from F9 to F14 this was really easy
>> VMware-Cluster with snapshots, some backup-machines as test
>> all machines using the same internal cache-repo and no external
>> per server 4-6 minutes and 30 seconds for reboot
>> no problem maintain 23 servers this way with a little brain and
>> helper-scripts
> Agreed.  But it's not for everyone. ;)

maybe, but i am not everyone - i know exactly what i do and something
goes terrible wrong if the really expierienced users have more
troubles as some standard desktop-user

>> but F15 is the first release where this feels really ugly with no benefit
>> anywhere until now
> "Feels"?  So. . .you have to change your helper scripts?  I'm confused

my self written watchdog which detects reboot/shutdown and calls of 
doe snot work any longer and this script is simply perfect restarting services
and giving the result of /sbin/service out results in a perfectly cron mail

with systemd - not possible, if systemd is reastrting a service you get NOT
notfied - this is essential because it is one thing a service is fired up
again automatically but if you are not notified and this happens to often
you will not recognize this

below a example

>> Betreff: Cron <root@myhost> php /scripts/rh_watchdog.php
>> Datum: Tue,  5 Jul 2011 17:38:01 +0200 (CEST)
>> Von: Cron Daemon <root@mydomain>
>> An: root@mydomain
>> "httpd" not running, waiting 5 seconds and restart if it not comes back
>> httpd beenden: [FEHLGESCHLAGEN]
>> httpd: no process found
>> httpd starten: [  OK  ]

services with .socket-files are NOT stopped with "systemctl stop name.service"
and suddenly fired up and the missing feddback of "systemctl" is bad

below a example-mail of a weekly job stopping two mysqld-instances
on a machine (one of them replication-slave) and let rsync backup#
the replication into the other one - this have to be totally changed

>> Betreff: Cron <root@myhost>  nice -n 19 bash /opt/scripts/
>> Datum: Sat,  2 Jul 2011 03:10:01 +0200 (CEST)
>> Von: Cron Daemon <root@mydomain>
>> An: root@mydomain
>> Sat Jul  2 03:10:01 CEST 2011
>> mysqld beenden:  [  OK  ]
>> replication beenden:  [  OK  ]
>> replication starten:  [  OK  ]
>> mysqld starten:  [  OK  ]
>> Sat Jul  2 03:24:33 CEST 2011

there are tons of such scripts running perfectly since years and all of
that has to be changed/replaced/retested because of systemd without any
real benefit at this time

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