> Am 21.08.2011 22:07, schrieb Jon Ciesla:
>> Ignoring the pace at which this discussion is approaching incivility, in
>> what way would bleeding-edge updates to systemd address any of the
>> above?
>> For games, many would argue the pushing the latest and greatest to every
>> release is good.  I might agree in most cases.  But for something like
>> systemd, most admins I've worked with would like nothing to change in
>> the
>> middle of a stable release unless it fixes a bug
> most admins will not be NOW at F15, they wait until F14-EOL for
> production use to get most bad behavior and bugs away before
> update servers

Fedora?  Production?  I do that, but I'm mental.

> i am one of them and i am seeing NOTHING happen in F15 now
> to make things better until Dec/Jan and the wrapper you
> noticed about /etc/init.d/servicename is the dumbest
> thing i saw the last years because it hides the real output
> of the script
It's less than ideal, yes, so I use service whateverd restart now.
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