On Tue, 21 Jun 2011 07:56:00 -0700
Toshio Kuratomi <a.bad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> To add something actually constructive... someone could propose that
> services which don't have systemd unit files don't ship for F16
> (Probably as part of the
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/SysVtoSystemd )
> That is an idea that has pros and cons.  The major pros are that it
> means that users will have a more consistent experience with
> reconfiguring the on/off state of their services and we'll be forcing
> people to add systemd unit files rather than just letting proposed
> changes just sit around in bugs.
> The cons are that we may lose some services for F16 because the
> services aren't ported by the F16 deadline.  However, they could be
> brought back after F16 is released so that's not a huge con.  We'd
> need to make sure that the "essential" services are ported over, but
> IIRC, that's already the plan for the alpha release.

Sure. I would say that would be a ticket filed with FESCo for that. 


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