Am 21.06.2011 01:44, schrieb Adam Williamson:
> On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 01:18 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> what exactly do you not understand in the fact that even starting myqld
>> first does not help with a large database since mysqld needs some seconds
>> to accept connections and systemd fires up the follwing services
> So would any other init system; if the startup script has returned
> success, any init system figures it's now fine to move on to the next
> one. How else would you design it, exactly?

this is simply not true
have you ever seen a Fedora < F15 booting with al large mysqld-setup?

if you have 10 GB innodb-buffer you can see that upstart does not start
the next service ordered in /etc/rc3.d/ until mysqld IS REALLY ready
and if this takes 30 seconds that the boot-process waits 30 seconds

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