On 02/23/2011 06:56 PM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> Greetings.
> FESCo is looking at the question of what services can start by default
> (ie, you install something and it's set to start automatically next
> time you boot up).
> We have a draft at:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Kevin/DefaultServices
> With a policy and list of exceptions.
> We would like to gather feedback on this over the next week, and
> revisit at our next meeting.
> Some questions:
> * Do you know of/maintain another service that should start by default?
>    Why?
> * Do you think there is some other hurestic we could use to determine
>    when services should start by default? are there other categories
>    than one-shot, network facing?
> Constructive feedback welcome.
> kevin

Is it possible to get the rationality behind why those services which 
are permitted to be enabled by default as specific exceptions are 
granted that exception.

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