On Fri, Jan 24, 2025 at 01:25:18PM -0300, Rafael Jeffman wrote:
> Some of these packages might have the same issue as
> softhsm/opendnssec as they use the same user, but,
> currently user GECOS is different on both packages,
> causing systemd-sysuers to fail (or warn).

This is a preexisting bug in softhsm and opendnssec. In fact, it might
be a ecurity issue, since two services will run under the same user.
I'm not familiar with those packages, but in general there are two
- if the user shall be shared, let on of the packages define the user
  and have the other package add Requires:user(…).
- if the user shall not be shared, use a different user name in one
  or both packages.

The mechanism to create the users doesn't materially change the
situation. If anything, the warning we'll now get from sysusers, if
both packages are installed at the same time, is good, because it
makes the problem easier to see.

> IMHO, an approach similar to SPDX change should be made.

A similar approach is being made: as mentioned in my original mail,
I plan to open pull requests against packages.

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