
In accordance with 
I plan to do a "mass package change" to add sysusers.d config files for all 
which currently call 'useradd' and 'groupadd' and drop the calls to

This is part of 
Latest build of rpm will autocreate users and groups for all packages that
contain a sysusers.d config file. This means that, for those packages, we can 
the scriptlets that do that. In fact, rpm will do this unconditionally, so the
scriptlets which are executed later are now noops and having them in the spec 
is unnecessary and confusing.

Once we have sysusers.d config and the metadata generated by rpm on packages, 
we want
to again enable generation of hard dependencies in rpm for users and groups 
used by
the rpm payloads. (A package which has a file or dir owned by a user or group,
specified via %attr, gets Requires:user(…) or Requires:group(…) autogenerated 
build.) This will allow rpm to order packages so that accounts are created 
before we
try to unpack files owned by those accounts and we don't get unexpected 

For now this is a draft, I'm soliciting feedback. In fact, I didn't rebuild 
most of
the packages with the changes, so bugs may be lurking. After discussion is 
done, I
plan to open pull requests with the proposed changes.

The first batch:

Example change (without Release and %changelog boilerplate):
diff --git znc/znc.spec znc/znc.spec.tmp
index f27442daf7..c6e08444cc 100644
--- znc/znc.spec
+++ znc/znc.spec.tmp
@@ -54,3 +54,2 @@ Obsoletes:      znc-extra <= %{version}-%{release}

-Requires(pre):  shadow-utils
 BuildRequires:  systemd
@@ -131,2 +130,7 @@ sed -ie 's!/usr/local/!/usr/!' man/znc.1

+# Create a sysusers.d config file
+cat >znc.sysusers.conf <<EOF
+u znc - 'Account for ZNC to run as' /var/lib/znc -
@@ -161,8 +165,5 @@ install -d "%{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/znc"

+install -m0644 -D znc.sysusers.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysusersdir}/znc.conf

-getent group znc >/dev/null || groupadd -r znc
-getent passwd znc >/dev/null || \
-    useradd -r -g znc -d /var/lib/znc -s /sbin/nologin \
-    -c "Account for ZNC to run as" znc

@@ -203,2 +204,3 @@ getent passwd znc >/dev/null || \
 %attr(-,znc,znc) %{_sharedstatedir}/znc/

Let me know what you think…

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