Marius Schwarz wrote:
> Am 12.11.24 um 10:07 schrieb Daniel P. Berrangé:
> > For example, right next to the word "karma" at the bottom of the
> > comment form, we have to put descriptive text telling users what
> > we actually want from them:
> >
> >     "Karma: Is the update generally functional?"
> >
> > The word "karma" is adding no value here, it is mere word clutter
> > and could be trivially removed.  
> You are  right here, that part could a) easily rephrased and b) "karma" 
> should be the "result" of those clicks, not part of the question.

A user interface shall make it clear to the user that if they click on
this widget it will increase/decrease that number. This is achieved by
using the same word in the question as in the label beside the sum.
Users shall not need to experiment to figure out where karma comes from.

Björn Persson

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