Il 13/11/24 11:22, Lukas Ruzicka ha scritto:
> @mattia,
> The ticket you have posted for us to view has been merged which means 
> that the change has already been made. I do not think this is how we 
> should be doing things. The discussion here has been going on still. 
> What is the point to bring that information to a list, if you do not 
> want to wait for other people's opinions?
The changes already merged are just a small part of all the work that 
needs to be done. Those changes can be easily reverted as they're only 
applied on the development branch and never hit production.

I took for granted that the change had to be done, but considered the 
feedback received I now have mixed feelings. I haven't had much time to 
consider all the feedback though, as I have been busy at work.


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