V Tue, Aug 15, 2023 at 12:09:34PM +0200, Vít Ondruch napsal(a):
> Dne 14. 08. 23 v 19:30 Adam Williamson napsal(a):
> > On Mon, 2023-08-14 at 16:59 +0200, Vít Ondruch wrote:
> > > $ sudo dnf update -x dnf
> > > Updating and loading repositories:
> > > Repositories loaded.
> > > Failed to resolve the transaction:
> > > Problem 1: package mass-prebuild-1.1.0-1.fc39.noarch requires dnf, but
> > > none of the providers can be installed
> > I think only the mass-prebuild maintainer can help you there. dnf5
> > cannot be set to provide dnf, because it...doesn't.
> I know and yet again, I have not find any issues using mass-prebuild with
> DNF5 and until now, it worked just fine. I probably won't ever understand
> this game with names.
Since DNF5 is planned as a replacement for Fedora 40 and because Fedora 39 has
already branched, I'd like to see making dnf5 replacing dnf package in Fedora
40 as soon as possible. To have a testing, integration, and stablization period
as long as possible.

That would also resolve Vít's issue with mass-prebuild.

-- Petr

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