Can you please make this work?
~~~ $ sudo dnf update -x dnf Updating and loading repositories: Repositories loaded. Failed to resolve the transaction:Problem 1: package mass-prebuild-1.1.0-1.fc39.noarch requires dnf, but none of the providers can be installed - cannot install both dnf5-5.1.0-1.fc39.x86_64 and dnf5-5.1.1-1.fc39.x86_64 - cannot install the best update candidate for package mass-prebuild-1.1.0-1.fc39.noarch - cannot install the best update candidate for package dnf5-5.1.0-1.fc39.x86_64
- package dnf-4.16.2-2.fc39.noarch is filtered out by exclude filtering Problem 2: problem with installed package- package mass-prebuild-1.1.0-1.fc39.noarch requires dnf, but none of the providers can be installed - cannot install both dnf5-5.1.0-1.fc39.x86_64 and dnf5-5.1.1-1.fc39.x86_64 - package dnf5-plugins-5.1.1-1.fc39.x86_64 requires dnf5(x86-64) = 5.1.1-1.fc39, but none of the providers can be installed - cannot install the best update candidate for package dnf5-plugins-5.1.0-1.fc39.x86_64
- package dnf-4.16.2-2.fc39.noarch is filtered out by exclude filtering ~~~IOW I want to stay with DNF 5 and DNF 5 only. This system was installed with DNF 5 and I don't want to have a mess of all the cache directories DNF leaves behind and what not.
BTW I have also asked the mass-prebuild maintainer for help: Vít Dne 07. 08. 23 v 19:59 Nicola Sella napsal(a):
Hi all,As discussed[1] DNF will not be obsoleted in fedora 39. The side-tag with the reverted changes was merged[2,3] just now. You can now try the new packages by upgrading to the newer version of DNF5 (dnf5-5.1.1-1.fc39) which will not obsolete DNF (dnf-4-16.2-2.fc39) anymore.Note that, if you install the packages from the side-tag, DNF might not be installed because it would be obsoleted by DNF5-5.1.0, from rawhide repositories. Therefore, if you want to upgrade and use DNF < 5 on your rawhide system, here are some steps that should help you.1. If you intend to install the new packages from the side-tag, you might want to exclude rawhide repositories. You have two options:a. First, upgrade the system to the latest packages in the side-tag: $ dnf5 upgrade \ --best --releasever=39 \ --disablerepo=* \--enablerepo=side-tag --repofrompath=side-tag,''Then, install DNF: $ dnf5 install dnf \ --best --releasever=39 \ --disablerepo=* \--enablerepo=side-tag --repofrompath=side-tag,''b. You can achieve the same goal in one step: $ dnf5 install "dnf < 5" \ --best --releasever=39 \ --disablerepo=* \--enablerepo=side-tag --repofrompath=side-tag,''2. If you would rather not use the side-tag OR you are updating after the packages are available in rawhide, you should have no issues. The same two options follow:a. Upgrade and install: $ dnf5 upgrade --best $ dnf5 install dnf --best b. Or, with the one-liner: $ dnf5 install "dnf < 5" --bestPlease, don't hesitate to reach back if you cannot install the newest packages,Cheers, Nicola [1]: [2]: [3]: _______________________________________________ devel mailing list To unsubscribe send an email Fedora Code of Conduct: List Guidelines: List Archives: Do not reply to spam, report it:
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