On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 9:14 PM, Jesse Keating <jkeat...@redhat.com> wrote:

> There was a change in glibc during the F14 development cycle that
> requires running a newer kernel in order to run the f14 binaries.
> You could probably cheat a new kernel onto F11 and then do the pungi
> compose in a mock chroot of f14 content (I do all the pungi runs in mock
> chroots anyway).

After seeing your mail it spurred me on to trying to find a way to
"upgrade" to f12 - I found some notes on doing this via a series of
yum commands after localinstalling the f12 fedora-release rpm. It took
a while with a number of dead ends but eventually I managed to find a
path through the dependency hell and got all packages updated to f12 -
on rebooting I have the system on f12 and have been able to build f14
test DVD install isos from the packages in the development/f14 repo -
so I am happy again!  Given this is a headless machine running in a
quiet corner of the office, and it would have been a while before I
could get a monitor attached to it, I am very pleased that it was
possible to do the upgrade without direct physical access to the
machine. Even at f11 Fedora had great abilities!

Roll on f14 release!

mike c
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