For the past year or so I have built private builds of current Fedora install isos on an old test machine running f11 using mock/pungi, and this has generally worked well for me. I use this method to get fully up to date isos for installs that need almost no updates applying for the current stable Fedora version, but also I build my own test isos in the run-up to a new release based on the current packages in the development repo.
I know that the machine on which I build "should" be updated to a newer version - but time is against me due to other commitments (my fault!) Anyway I tried to build f14 isos on this machine which currently runs f11 (shameful I know!), and I got lots of "kernel too old" lines in the terminal when creating the initial mock area when preparing for the build of f14. I guess I can't use an f11 machine to build f14 DVD install isos? If so do I need to run the mock/pungi build for f14 in an f13 machine, or will a machine running f12 work also? Thanks in advance if you can help me out on this one. -- mike c -- devel mailing list