On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 9:14 PM, Jesse Keating <jkeat...@redhat.com> wrote:

> There was a change in glibc during the F14 development cycle that
> requires running a newer kernel in order to run the f14 binaries.
> You could probably cheat a new kernel onto F11 and then do the pungi
> compose in a mock chroot of f14 content (I do all the pungi runs in mock
> chroots anyway).

Thanks Jesse. I could try to put a newer kernel into the machine and
see if it works - the machine is only used to do private builds, and
yes I use a mock chroot and run pungi inside it. I had already put in
place a fedora-14-i386.cfg based on the f14 branched repo into
/etc/mock/ and also prepared a .ks file but it was the kernel that
stumped me. So it is no loss if I can't do it on that machine until I
get time to upgrade it. (Well I do also run f13 builds in it but that
will be largely redundant soon, do my main installs with my own builds
to save on yum updates once the installs are done.)

Oh well... c'est la vie!

mike c
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